Join Us

Join Us

We are a Multi-Academy Trust comprising one primary and one secondary school, dedicated to achieving exceptional outcomes for our students. If your school shares our vision and values or if you are a Trust interested in collaboration, we would love to hear from you. Explore our achievements in our Celebrating Success booklet. For more information, please contact us at


Chief Finance Officer vacancy

Please click on this link to view the Chief Finance Officer vacancy at Sikh Academies Trust

Chief Finance Officer Information Pack

Chief Finance Officer Application Form


Trustee vacancy

Please click on this link to view the Trustee vacancy at Sikh Academies Trust

Trustee Information Pack

Trustee Application Form

You can find all our individual school vacancies by clicking on the logos below. 
If there are no current teaching vacancies listed, but you’re interested in joining our team, we encourage you to get in touch and share your CV.

For any questions or to arrange a visit, please contact our HR team at