
Mr Gurminder Singh Athwal
Chair of Trust
Appointed 30 December 2023

Mrs Tajinder Kaur Jagdev
Vice Chair
Appointed 30 December 2023

Mr Narinderpal Singh Rana
Narinderpal is a Chartered Certified Accountant, working in public practice for the past 35 years. Narinder is a founding governor of Khalsa Primary School. Narinder helped with the initial fundraising within the community to raise funds for the construction of Khalsa Primary School.
Appointed 4 October 2022

Mr John Jones
Head of Secondary Education
Appointed 30 December 2020

Miss Deep Kaur
Deep is a qualified solicitor with experience of working as an in-house lawyer within various different industries and companies. Her specialties include commercial law, data protection, and consumer law, and she has successfully negotiated large contracts on behalf of clients to ensure the best position for their business is achieved. She has worked closely with stakeholders and organisations to identify, manage, and mitigate legal risks.
Deep has mentored and provided advice and guidance to junior staff in the legal profession as well those aspiring to enter the world of law within the local community.
Appointed 30 December 2020

Mr Jujar Singh
Appointed 30 December 2020